In a homeschooling house full of 7 kids & 3 guniea pigs....there is never a dull moment! A lot of people show genuine concern for us and want to know how we are doing, as the road we've left behind was not a pleasant one. So, here I am, to tell some of our stories...share some of our days...and open up a part of our world to you! Come join us on our journey so you won't miss the moments that take our breath away!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our Schedule

Many homeschoolers work on a strict schedule.  We don't stick to ours as we should, but we do work much better this way!  This is the schedule that works for us...sticking to it is a different story.  With the new year and re-organization...we are going back to our schedule.

Our Schedule

6:00am-7:00am                        Mom gets up, prepares for day & laundry

7:00am -7:30am                       Kids get up/get dressed/brush teeth
                                                Make bed

7:30am -8:00am                       Breakfast

8:00am -11:30am                     School time

11:30am-12:00pm                    Break/Free Time

12:00pm-12:30pm                    Lunch

12:30pm-1:30pm                      Chores

1:30pm-3:00pm                        (A) Little kids down for nap
                                                       Big kids School time
                                                 (B) Off to park, museum, YMCA, etc. if school work and chores are done
3:00pm-4:00pm                        Free time

4:00pm-5:00pm                        Prepare dinner
                                                Finish school work or Free time

5:00pm-6:00pm                        Dinner
                                                Clean up kitchen
                                                Tidy assigned areas & personal space  

6:00pm-7:00pm                        Family Time (games, park, etc)

7:00pm-8:00pm                        Little kids bedtime routine
                                                Big kids clean room/prepare for next day/free time

8:00pm-8:30pm                        Big kids bedtime routine
                                                Little kids quiet time

8:30pm-9:00pm                        Little kids bedtime
                                                Big kids quiet time (read, tv, etc.)

9:00pm                                     Big kids bedtime

9:00pm-12:00am                      Mom prepares for next day (laundry, cleaning, prepare
                                                 food, school work, etc.)

*On Mondays and Wednesdays we attend homeschool open gym from 12:30 until 2:30 and on Fridays we meet with a homeschool group from 10:00 - 12:00.


  1. Great schedule! I just posted our school schedule too! I look forward to reading more!

    stopping by from the workbox group.

  2. stopping by from workboxes already a follower. Sound like you are busy from the moment you wake up. Hope you find some time for me time occasionally so you don't burn out. Hope you stop by and visit my blog if you get a chance:).

  3. stopping by from workboxes and now following.
    looking forward to reading about your journey!

  4. This is an ideal day and we are terrible for sticking to it. We haven't been doing very good with the times of our schedule, but we have been sticking to the routine at least. Trust me...everyday definately does not go this way! I'll be sure to check out all of your blogs, if I'm not already a follower, I will follow you. I love all the different things we all blog about :) Thanks for joining us on our journey!
