In a homeschooling house full of 7 kids & 3 guniea pigs....there is never a dull moment! A lot of people show genuine concern for us and want to know how we are doing, as the road we've left behind was not a pleasant one. So, here I am, to tell some of our stories...share some of our days...and open up a part of our world to you! Come join us on our journey so you won't miss the moments that take our breath away!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Breath Away Wednesday!

Emu has this "way" about him.  For those who know him, they know exactly what I'm talking about!  He is the type of kid who can make you smile even on days you feel like there is nothing to smile about.  He's the one who teaches you something new each day and the one that reminds you that you have to slow down and smell the roses along the way and that if you miss even the smallest detail in something, you may miss the whole thing.  Everyday brings something new with him...something that makes you shake your head, grin and say, "that's Emu".

We spend all day on Saturday's at Basketball games for the three oldest kids.  We are usually gone from 9:30am until 6:00pm, so with 6 kids (3 of them toddlers) in definately makes for a long day.  Now, you must understand the amount of energy Emu has, so for him..being still for this amount of time is literally impossible!  He is usually very well behaved, but he likes to tease you and sneak out onto the court from time to time.  Almost always staying away from the players, he likes to dart out and come right back.  Then he gives you his priceless, cheesy little grin and flaps his wings, jumping up and down with that precious little laugh of his...that's Emu.

Last Saturday, during our last game..he was kind of ansy.  He insisted he had to go to the bathroom, so off we went.  As I was washing my hands, someone came in the bathroom and he darted out.  I went right after him and saw him go up the steps to the stage where we were sitting.  When I got to our seat, to my surprise, he wasn't there.  I looked all over for him, completely confused, as I was certain he went up those steps.  Just then someone said he was running out onto the court.  When I look up, he's running straight towards the players, coming from across the other side of the court running towards us.  I haven't the slightest idea how the heck he got over there and how he got over there so fast...but, that's Emu!  He was dodging the players and the players were dodging looked more like a football game at this point.  Finally, he gets knocked down and trampled on.  The refs blow the whistle and stop the game to get him off the court.  Of course, he was laughing, jumping up and down and flapping his wings...that's Emu!  Everyone laughed...not at him, but with him and the game went on.

Moments like these are only made possible by my Emu!  All I could do was giggle and shake my head at him, I really couldn't even get mad, as I just couldn't expect anything different out of him...because that's my Emu...and this was one of those moments, when he was making memories...memories that I will sit and share with his kids someday.  Memories like, the time he "robbed the bank" when I opened my bank account, lol...memories that stick like this...and of course, these are the moments that take my breath away!

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